Good Morning and Happy Monday!!!  

Here is my reality check MONDAY MINDSET VIDEO!!! CHECK IT OUT!

I didn’t get time yesterday to share with you my meal plan for the week because I truly feel like meal planning is the most important part of your week.

If you are just starting out on your fitness journey or you are well on your way to your fitness goals it is important that you always have a plan!  If you don’t have a plan its basically setting yourself up for failure.  I’ve been meal planning for 5 years now and I can say without a doubt that the weeks I plan I am way more on track than the weeks I try to wing it!  

I am 39 days until my BUCKET LIST VACATION to Bora Bora with the Elite 10 Coaches!  I want to look and feel my best so it is definitely down to business right now.

I’m following the Countdown to Competition Meal Plan with Hammer and Chisel as my workout with a little extra booty work mixed in there!  

My body responds best when I cut out bananas, grapes, dairy and most carbs except for sweet potatoes and oatmeal.  So I’m going basic!  I’m still hitting all my containers per day but I’m focused on sticking to the top of each food list for the container system since that is the most nutrient dense foods.

When it comes down to those last pesky pounds you should really limit your breads, whole grain waffles, pancakes, greek yogurts and high natural sugar fruits and veggies.  While I know you need a variety, I just find that this helps you get to where you want to be faster.

WORKOUTS:  When it comes to getting the BEST results possible you can’t just show up to your workouts and press play.  You have to give it over and above effort.  Increasing your weights, upping the intensity, holding your plank for just a little bit longer and not quitting before it’s over.  SURE when we workout at home no one else is around and no one will know if we did it or not.  BUT your results are what will tell the truth!  If you slacked in the kitchen it shows in results.  

So as we get closer to the summer time it’s time to really buckle down and get those last few lbs off and get out of that comfort zone!  Change NEVER happens when you go through the motions!  

Here is my plan for the week!  I hope this helps and gives you some guidance on how I structure my plan!

We are in the midst of a super busy season which means that we are running between soccer, baseball and Lacrosse games.  There are Saturday’s where we leave at 9 am and don’t come back til 4pm. So what are we going to eat?  

It’s all about having a plan, not leaving the house without my cooler and making sure I keep myself on track to my goals.

It’s go time!  39 days til VACATION, it’s now or never!!!  LEAVE NOTHING ON THE TABLE!!!  

If you are interested in working with me to lose the last 10 lbs join me on Monday May 2nd for a 30 day group that is guaranteed to challenge you, stretch you to the limits and help you crush your own personal goals!!

It’s go time!!

All the details on the How To Lose The Last 10 lbs group are here!!! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS