Every year we spend the end of December reflecting on what we did or did not accomplish in 2016.  I know for me it’s a time for me to sit back and list out what I am proud of, what I am grateful for, what I am genuinely blessed to have achieved in the past year.  It is also a time where I look at the things that I didn’t accomplish and ask myself “why”?  What factors influenced my results?  What were the things I could have controlled to get closer to the goal?  Or simply, was it just not time yet?  Could I have done a fingernail more?  Sparkle, New Years Resolutions, Beachbody Health Bet

Often the answer is a mix of things.  Yes, there are things that I could of done “a fingernail more” with.  For example, I could of been 90% on my nutrition instead of 80-20 and sometimes 50-50.  I could of passed up on the margaritas, the cocktails by the pool, the french toast in Bora Bora, but that wouldn’t be LIVING to me!  For me, it’s about balance and seasons of life where I am really on top of my nutrition and then other planned out times where I allow myself to enjoy simple pleasures in moderation.  Did it affect my results, of course it did.  But, I am absolutely ok with it!  Those were things that I wanted to do and I placed value on and it was purely relaxation and vacation.  Beachbody Health Bet, Melanie Mitro, Committed to Getting Fit, BOD, New Year New You

I have had seasons in my health and fitness where I was 100% over the top dedicated to my results and my weight loss.  I needed to have that intense dedicated periods in my journey in order to get to my goal weight.  For me, I wanted those results so bad that I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.  That was also the time in my life that I learned how to Eat Clean, when I transformed my body and lost 30 lbs after having 2 kids 22 months apart.  It was a time when my entire family was at its unhealthiest and we were pinching pennies to make ends meet.  I had to go all in, in my mind there was just no other way!

Through that process I learned the importance of food as fuel, the quality of ingredients is more important than the packaging on the box and that I could lose weight and have more energy from eating real foods vs counting calories.  My life was forever changed from that first leap of faith that I took in the “summer slim down challenge group” that I joined.


Five and a half years later and I’m still eating clean, I’m still working out consistently and I feel like I have balance and I truly enjoy life.  I have made it my mission to teach other women how to embrace their bodies, to transform their body and mind and learn how to fuel your body for energy and strength.

I know that January is a big time of year for us to start setting goals for our nutrition and health.  I have really worked hard over the past 5 years to teach other moms and just plain busy women how to make fitness and nutrition a part of their lifestyle and daily routine.Love yourself, New Years Resolutions, Beachbody Health Bet, Melanie MItro

I am getting ready to kick off an epic January 2017 New Year, New You Challenge Group!  

Beachbody Health Bet 2017, Melanie Mitro, What Is It, Get Started, Join Now, Challenge Tracker App


What is a Challenge Group?  

A challenge group is a closed online group where no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  This particular group is 5 weeks long.  We will start the first week with our Monday mindset video plus everything you need to know to get started right!  How to navigate the nutrition plan, how to plan out your workouts, how to make yourself a priority, what should be on your grocery list, snack ideas, recipes and more!

Week 2 starts your official workouts and nutrition plan together.  For the next 4 weeks I will provide you with videos, tutorials, tips, tricks, recipes, meal planning and accountability.  You will check into the app based program on your phone or ipad daily to see my daily information and to log your workout, nutrition and Shakeology.  This is a safe place for you to share any days that are really hard, moments where you want to reach for something that isn’t on the plan and of course celebrate all of the victories that come your way!  The goal is to give you constant support so that you can change your habits and create new ones.

For me personally this was the game changer.  Anyone can go to the gym, anyone can get on the treadmill, anyone can lift weights.  But, it is what you do outside of the gym, the things you tell yourself in private, the food choices you make that are either going to cancel out that workout or bring you closer to the goal.  Let me be your support system along the way.

So how do I get started?

  1.  First you need to make me your official coach.  Do that here:  Sign up for a free account
  2. Fill out the form below so that I can chat with you about what program would best meet your needs.
  3. You must be willing to commit to a fitness program from start to finish for the duration of the program.  I will make sure that the workout we choose meets your ability level and your preference for type of workout.  So you will be doing something that you WANT to do vs. a program that I tell you that you NEED to do!
  4. You must be willing to follow the nutrition plan that comes with your program & replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology.  Shakeology and the nutrition plan are essential to your results. Without proper nutrition your body cannot maximize results, have energy to get through the day or sustain the results.  Our goal is to make your journey with me the start of a lasting life transformation.Beachbody Health Bet 2017, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Shakeology
  5. You must be willing to check into the online support and accountability group daily to log and monitor your progress.


Does this sound like something you can do??

Well that is awesome because Beachbody is even sweetening the deal for customers in the New Year.  They have created what is called the Beachbody Health Bet.  So basically the company has put into a pot $1 million and then for every challenge pack sold between October and December they are adding $5 per package.  The minimum the pot will be is $2 million and the maximum is $3 million.  How cool… Right!

So, what Beachbody is doing is splitting the pot between every participant that starts and progresses through their program in January.  Each week you will log your workouts, your Shakeology and participate in the group.  If you log 5 weekly Shakeology’s and at minimum 3 workouts into our challenge tracker app then you are entered to win the cash prize.

I mean heck, how cool is that where you get a prize just for participation.  I think that is some pretty awesome stuff right there!

So are you even more interested now? Beachbody Health Bet,Join Now, Melanie MItro, January 2017

It’s time to start thinking about your New Year!  It is time to stop beating yourself up over missed goals or lack of progress or the Christmas cookies and cocktails you have been over eating!  It is time to take ownership of your actions and put a plan in place.  It doesn’t have to be extreme and I am going to customize it to meet your needs.  But, you really do have to get started now!

Let’s get ready to rock and roll with our 2017 New Year New You Beachbody Health Bet Group.

If you want to join more of the discussion head over to my like page on Facebook to stay in the loop.

Visit Committed To Getting fit here

Space is limited so don’t delay in reserving your spot.

Complete the application below and I will contact you within 24 hours with all the details to join. 

Let’s make 2017 an EPIC year of ultimate health, fitness and overall wellness!


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