Well it’s official I am 30 today!!!!  Who would of thought that I would be in better shape, eat healthier and have MORE energy than I did in my 20’s!  Well it’s hard to say because I’ve only been 30 for a day but I don’t forsee that changing.  I am taking care of my body, feeding it good food and working out regularly so I know that the benefits will pay off for years to come.

Caprese Omelet

So how does a Beachbody Coach spend her birthday! Just the same as every other day!  I usually have a rest on Sundays but because I took a rest day yesterday today I did my workout.  Instead of a 5:15am workout I slept in and made myself a yummy egg white, tomato, spinach, basil and avocado omelet with a slice of Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread and some black coffee!  Then, I sat down to check in with my customers and write out my meal plan for the week.  I made out my grocery list and sent the hubby to the store!  Next I felt the need to get some serious sweat on so I popped in none other than my girl Chalene Johnson for a Fire 45 workout.  I had sweat dripping off my body and I burned 320 calories!  After a great sweat I hit up the shower to get ready for my birthday festivities which include a nap and dinner at a new Mexican restaurant!!  I am not going to lie, I had birthday cake on Friday night and tonight we will be singing Happy Birthday to a huge glass of chocolate Shakeology!  I’m caked out and ready to be back on the clean train!  It’s nice to indulge every once in awhile but it also makes me realize how sluggish and icky that food makes me feel.  Of course it tastes amazing when I’m eating it but then afterwards I just feel gross and tired!  So it honestly keeps me in check!  Cheat meals are great but they don’t make you physically feel good.

Clean eating meal plan

Starting tomorrow I will begin my P90X/Insanity hybrid until I start my Ultimate Reset on the 15th of August!  Super excited to put some of my P90X certification knowledge to good work in the gym.  Also, another exciting thing is that I start my new challenge group tomorrow.  I have a total of 16 women/men in this group that have all committed to changing their lives with me and a Beachbody challenge group.  I’m totally pumped to see how the next 12 weeks changes each one of their lives!!