For the past 6 years I have been attending Team Beachbody’s Coach Summit. I went to Las Vegas for 3 years, Nashville for 2 years and this year we were in New Orleans. I went to my very first Coach summit when I was 11 months into the business. I was a brand new 1 Star Diamond Coach because my very first working coach Sara and I each advanced in rank while doing the Team Cup. The team cup is a coach competition to help challenge you to set goals that are a little bigger than you would normally set to help you grow outside of your comfort zone. For me, the Team Cup was exactly what I needed to give me the confidence to realize I was capable of way more than I was doing.
When I went to Coach Summit in Las Vegas in 2012 I sat in the back of the room and soaked up every single nugget of information that was shared. I can remember thinking to myself, “If they can do it, why can’t I.” I started to dream a little bigger and set some stretch goals for myself like ending 2012 as an Elite Coach. I had no idea what I was doing but I had the drive, the determination, and the willingness to never give up that helped me to push past all the barriers. Some of my barriers were that I didn’t have a social media following, I wasn’t at my goal weight, I didn’t have the support of my husband at the beginning and a lot of people thought that I would fail. I did not let that stop me. Through personal development, which means that I read a lot of books on confidence, building a business, and leadership I developed the skills and I practiced every day to create momentum in my business.
I did the daily activities that are not sexy, not pretty and quite honestly are easy NOT to do because I believed in the Compound Effect. I knew that my choices that I made every single day would not be pretty in the moment but they would end up being the defining factors in my future success. I would repeat to myself over and over, “Delay instant gratification for long term success.” Head down, blinders on, this is my own race and get to work!
In 2012 I was an Elite Coach for the very first time! That was definitely a surreal experience. Elite Coaches make up the top .01% of all coaches in the company. We are given extra special rewards, a cash bonus monthly, access to events early and more.
In 2013 I went from a 2 Star Diamond to Super Star Diamond Coach and #2 in the entire network. I had very little support, I was raising 2 small children at home while Matt worked long hours and I was working in the pockets of free time that I had. The first year I was an Elite 10 Coach we went on the top 10 trip to Italy. That was our very first experience being just spoiled rotten. From that point forward the trips became a huge motivator to me.
In 2014, I set the goal to go for Top Coach and I did it! I accomplished Top Coach and Double 15 Star Diamond! I also had 5 Elite Coaches on my team and our team was growing by leaps and bounds. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I was the top coach in the network from the small town of Mars, PA. It just goes to show that it doesn’t matter your experience or background. You can achieve anything that you want if you put your heart and soul into it.
What Does It Mean To Be The Top Coach?
Being the top coach does not mean that I sell the MOST product or sign up the most coaches. Being the top coach is determined by a number of benchmarks such as:
- How much volume your current years coaches produce
- How many of your personally sponsored coaches in the current and previous year hit success club each and every month.
- How many coaches you advance in the leadership ladder and through the ranks of star diamond which shows leadership development and growth.
Being the top coach determined by the size of your organization, how much money you make or how long you have been in business. The Elite 10 and Top Coach has everything to do with leading your team, duplicating success and helping others to achieve their health, fitness and business goals. There is also no “I” in team. We are in this together and it has everything to do with what our team does and not what I do as a coach personally! This is truly a team effort!
In 2015 I achieved Top Coach for the 2nd year in a row and I advanced my business to 3X Super Star Diamond Coach which is an accomplishment that only 1 other coach has ever done before. I had 7 Elite Coaches on my team and multiple premiere coaches and our organization was on FIRE!!
In 2016 I continued that momentum and achieved Top coach for the 3rd year in a row which is an accomplishment that NO ONE has ever done in the Beachbody Organization. I focused on creating a system of duplication, on empowering my leaders to spread their wings and grow their own leadership skills.
I will be completely honest that I never in a million years expected that this was my gift from God. I didn’t realize that my talent would be to serve others in a network marketing company called Team Beachbody. I am so glad that I was open to the possibilities 6 years ago when I said yes to Insanity as a new customer and I’m so glad that I followed the butterflies in my stomach and became a coach in July of 2011 with my birthday money! I swear it is always those choices that you make that you don’t realize are going to be the game changers in life.
Today I sit here in my house, the kids are watching cartoons, Matt is doing his workout on the patio and we are truly living out our own dreams. We get to dictate our own schedule, we get to have financial freedom, we get to travel, spend quality time together and live life on our own terms. All because I chose to live a few years of my life, like most people are not willing to do! The sacrifices I made were great. I skipped sleep, I made the choice to work vs relax. I chose to do the hard work when most people were taking time off. But in just 6 years the life we have created and the money we have saved will be a blessing for the rest of our lives. So when I say I worked hard, I truly did! This business isn’t easy, but it is absolutely achievable for ANYONE who has the vision, the GRIT, the determination and perseverance to reach their own goals and dreams.
So I actually am writing this blog post because I want to share with you my summit experience this past week.
Summit 2017 New Orleans
Our family just returned home from the 2017 Coach Summit in New Orleans. This year my entire family went with us. Matt, Landon, Bryce, my mom, dad and brother. Since I was going to be awarded the top coach for the 3rd year in a row they definitely did not want to miss it. Plus, I was also asked to speak on main stage as 1 of the 2 coaches that had this honor. I spoke in the Mercedes Benz Super dome in New Orleans to 18-20 thousand coaches. The stage was absolutely mind blowing. I actually cried as I walked into rehearsal at the magnitude of the arena. I was filled with gratitude for what God had blessed me with in life. He put me on that stage as a voice of hope, inspiration and motivation for others and I was not going to take that lightly.
I shared a pretty vulnerable message to the network about the fact that everything in life starts with a decision. We are all going to be faced with obstacles and roadblocks but we have a decision as to whether we are going to rise up and overcome or become a victim of the circumstance.
You can read more about my speech and listen to it here:
The training at summit was incredible and I can say that I am just beyond fired up for all the new product launches to come! Team Beachbody never ceases to amaze me with their product development, their innovations and their future plans for the company!
For 2 1/2 days we get to workout with the trainers, Autumn Calabrese, Tony Horton, Chris Downing, Shaun T and more! Plus we attend trainings with Keynote Speakers and Top Leaders to help advance our business and leadership skills. It is truly the event of the year and if you are a coach or thinking about coaching you most definitely need to be at summit 2018 in Indianapolis. Will you join me as a new member of the Dream Team????
Next up, is the highlight of the week! The Saturday night Celebration!
Saturday night was what we call the Celebration:
The celebration is like the Grammy Awards of Team Beachbody. It’s an awesome evening of awards, recognition and celebration. The grand prize winners of the health transformation and the Beachbody Challenge Winners are announced. Elite, Premiere and Top 10 coaches are recognized and the evening is closed out with the Top Coach Celebration.
This year I was surprised by being awarded the CEO award by the CEO himself, Carl Daikeler. I was sitting in the front row talking to Bryce about staying quiet until the end of the show when I heard them describe the CEO winner. As soon as they said, she signed up as a coach in 2011 with her birthday money I knew they were talking about me. OMG I actually am getting the CEO award!!! Carl went on to talk about my contribution to the network, my trainings, my videos, and how I give feedback and constructive feedback to the Coach Advisory Board. I started to cry because this was an award that I wanted to earn. The CEO award to me signifies that I am doing my job and I’m well respected by the network.

Receiving the CEO award from the CEO himself Carl Daikeler.
Top Coach Celebration:
At the end of the night, the very last thing that Team Beachbody does is celebrate the top coach. As the 3x Top Coach I couldn’t even imagine what it is that they would do for me this year. All I can say is that it is absolute perfection.
They truly knocked it out of the park. My parents and my boys were brought up to the stage.

My family on stage for the Top Coach Celebration surprising me with special words of love!
Then, my mom began to speak. She brought me to utter tears as she talked about my life, my accomplishments and the woman that I had become. It was not only my 35th birthday but it was the biggest day of my entire professional career.

I love my momma, she is incredible and her speech was out of this world touching! xo
Next up was Matt and he shared a few thoughts and quite honestly I could not do this business without him! He is my rock, he is my voice of reason, he is an incredible life partner, husband and father to our boys. He is my very best friend and I have the utmost respect for my husband! We are a team and this business would not go smoothly without him. There are so many moving parts behind the scenes that you do not see. But he truly plays a very important part in what we do as an organization.
Next up, Landon surprised me and announced me up on stage! He was adorable and said, “now introducing the Top Coach, my Mommy!!” I just about died with excitement. My heart is bursting and it’s all the freaking feels right now. To have my family up there with me, surrounding me and knowing that we couldn’t do this alone is such a great feeling. I am truly truly blessed in so many ways.

Landon my oldest (8) did the honors of announcing his mommy, Top Coach to stage!

the coolest part was the boys learning that they were getting top coach belts! I loved their expressions.
The entire night was complete with a birthday cake and the entire network singing me happy birthday!
Final Thoughts:
I know that not everyone from the Dream Team was able to make it to the front of the stage to be in this picture. But, I want to just say a few words about our team.
We are a team that leads with heart, with integrity, with fitness and business together. We run challenge groups and help others to achieve healthy and fulfilling lives and then we help you create a business that will bless your family and your life for years to come. We are committed to constantly growing in leadership and skills. We work together and we learn from our mistakes. We are not afraid to admit when we are wrong and we have very strong morals and values. We strive to always do what is right no matter what everyone else might be doing.
As the Top Coach I am committed to excellence. I am committed to growing in leadership and inspiring others to dream big.
I know that I have had an incredible run as a Beachbody Coach and no matter how big my organization gets I will never ever forget where I started and where I am going. I am getting ready to launch my next MENTORSHIP OPPORTUNITY! This will begin on the 4th of August.
I am looking for 25 motivated women who are:
- Hard working, self motivated and coachable!
- Who are obsessed with creating a life of freedom!
- Who love personal development and are committed to growing forward.
- Who might fear failure but actually fear regret even more.
- Who dream of a life where they get to dictate how and where they spend their time and who they want to spend it with.
- I am looking for people who are ready to go aLL in and take MASSIVE action towards becoming an incredible influencer, motivator and leader on my team!
- I have the tools, the systems, the trainings and support- but all of that means nothing if you are not willing to take that leap of faith and go for it!
- NOTE: You cannot already be a coach- you must be a person that is either re-enrolling or is enrolling for the very first time.
How do you apply? Complete the application here and I will go through your application and determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my team!
You can also get more information right here by tuning into my business opportunity webinar tonight at 9:00 pm EST.
We are getting ready to blow the LID off of this opportunity and we are about to expand into the UK and of course our team is growing! Do you want to be a part of an organization who practices what they preach, always leads from the heart and is willing to do the hard work to show others that it is possible.
Now is your TIME! Space is limited! APPLY NOW!

I am so proud to lead this dream team of coaches! They are incredible human beings with a ton of heart and soul that they pour into all that they do!
Have you ever considered coaching before? You are invited to join the dream team (if you are NOT CURRENTLY A COACH) apply below:
[gravityform id=”2″ title=”true” description=”true”]