Do you have clarity in your why?
What is your driving force?
Why are you here?
Changing and evolving is a necessary part of life. Staying true to your why, your purpose, is a necessary part of having your own business.
We are going to go through a series of questions I would like for you to ask yourself. Really take the time to sit, think, and reflect. I mean, we are here to regain clarity in our why, correct?
Let’s begin!
First, ask yourself, if you had $10 million in the bank, would you still be doing XYZ?
Step back and really think about that. Evaluate if you would be doing the same daily activities if you had that kind of cash in your pocket. If money was no longer a contributing factor, would you still get out of bed with the same passion for what you’re doing?
Personally, I absolutely would. I love my role as a coach, from helping the challengers in my groups to mentoring the coaches on my team, so I would continue! The only difference is that it would allow me to fulfill my passion on a larger scale.
Second, reflect on what is the purpose of the work you’re doing right now?
What are you working towards? Do you want freedom, abundance, travel, friendships..? What drives you to do your daily activities to move your business forward? Think about how you want to inspire other people!
Initially, I set out to inspire others. Then it progressed into wanting recognition for my hard work and being rewarded in travel. (I wanted to earn that Disney trip for my family!) My purpose transitioned from inspiring others to learning skills so I could best serve others. Serving others allowed me to experience that recognition and travel I wanted!
Remember, it is ok to say the purpose of our work is not just to help others but to have a better quality of life while doing it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, so long as you’re doing it the right way.
Next, think about what are you passionate about?
What lights you are fire? What fills your with excitement? DO THAT!!!
Do you love to write? What about being creative? Do you love to watch movies? What about knitting?
What you love to do needs to be your source of significant income! Reflect on how you can make that a reality.
Then, ask yourself what are my core values?
This is your secret to success.
What sets you apart? What makes you different and unique?
For me, it is having grace, integrity, a solid work ethic, and a strong appreciation for work/home life balance.
You must be aware that people will come into your life, as well as you into theirs, to serve a purpose. Not everyone will remain, but you can use your platform to help individuals gain clarity into what they truly want in life.
My purpose is to inspire others to live their best life. No matter the business, I want to inspire others to be successful and to teach them a skill set to will allow for that.
Can you see how my core values tie in heavily to my purpose?
If you are feeling unclear as to why you’re here and where you are going, take a step back and ask yourself these questions.
Finally, I want you to think where do you see yourself five years from now?
- Where will you be?
- Who will you be with you?
- What will you be doing?
Describe how you envision your life.
After you’ve asked yourself these questions, ask yourself just one more question.
What is the one thing you can focus on right now that will bring you closer to that goal?
If you realize a goal doesn’t seem attainable, don’t simply change your goal because you know you’re going to fail. That is taking the easy way out. However, if a goal doesn’t bring you joy, change it and identify what you want and where you’re going. But don’t apologize for it.
Do not apologize for what sets your soul on fire. Gain clarity through your experiences and reflections on these questions.
A goal is always the end result. It’s about who you become in the process of that goal that leaves you with a satisfied feeling.
Remember that sometimes hitting a goal may not feel extraordinary, but who you become in the process is.
Be sure to check out the full recording! To tune in LIVE each Tuesday at 10am EST, head over to Melanie Mitro.