balanced living, melanie mitro, liift4, top coach, summer strong, accountability, shakeology

Have your Ice Cream and be fit too!!!

So I think it’s safe to say that the DOG DAYS of SUMMER are upon us!!!  My summer has been full of BBQ’s, pool parties, traveling for business but also for vacation!!  We are a family that loves to be outside and on the go!  We are also a family that enjoys food and all kinds of food!  I have been a clean eating momma for the past 7 years but that doesn’t mean that I still don’t enjoy a good Ice Cream Cone with rainbow sprinkles and cocktails by the pool!  I do believe that you can be fit, healthy and strong but still feel balanced!  Now, don’t get me wrong… sometimes I do feel like I let the pendulum swing to far to the UNBALANCED side but I’ve learned how to reign myself in without beating myself up over it either!  I do also believe that a HUGE reason why I can get right back on track is because I continually surround myself with our community of support that keeps me accountable and encourages me when I don’t feel like pressing play!  Because, let’s be honest!  Just because I’m a health and fitness coach doesn’t mean I don’t have days I just don’t freaking feel like it!  So total transparency here!  I’m kicking off this summer strong for  YOU but also for me too!  Because knowing I am going to be teaching you all is going to definitely keep me in line too!!!  So why not do it together!

I know that you are about to start thinking about back to school and fall sports which makes it hard to commit to fitness and nutrition!  But let’s be REAL here for a moment! Sure we might have an excuse of it’s back to school now, but in the fall it will be an excuse of the holidays and Halloween and then it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas!  So in reality… there is never ever going to be a perfect time! The time is when you decide that you are going to embrace that life will go on and you can either choose to get in shape and make healthier choices or you can continue to WAIT for the perfect time which honestly is going to be NEVER!!!  So it’s time to chuck the excuses to the curb and let’s link arms and crush some health and fitness goals together!!!

So what’s the game plan friends!!!!  How Do I Get Started and What Is Involved?!!?

Summer Strong, Melanie Mitro, Top Coach, Accountability, LIIFT4, Shakeology, Flexible Nutrition, Body Confidence


So here is how it is going to go!!!

(1). You are going to make me your coach!

(2). Then we are going to talk about your health and fitness goals and pick the right program and nutrition plan for you!!!  You are going to get what our company calls a challenge pack or completion pack and in that package is going to be ALL the tools you are required to have for this group!!!

In the package is going to come with your fitness program or digital access, 1 month supply of our amazing super food shake that is going to seriously be your saving grace whether it’s to curb your sweet tooth, give you 1 meal you don’t have to think about or help you with your daily multivitamin.  (7 years of my daily superfoods and our whole family can vouch for it’s awesomeness).

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we are going to work on creating a meal plan to help you rock your results.

(3). You are also going to get exclusive access to my online accountability and support group where I am going to be LIVE each week sharing motivation, nutrition tips, recipes, troubleshooting all of life’s curveballs and keeping you on track to reaching your goals!!!

(4). You will be required to check in daily to the group and rate your day and answer any group discussion!  Honestly it takes about a minute if you are super busy!!!  

My GOAL is to help you start and finish your program to get the results that you want!

So whether you are a super busy working mom, you are a stay at home mom, you are a dog mom or just living the single life.. I have a program for you and I can help you get results in as little as 25 minutes a day or if you want a full hour I have that too!

and… if you are concerned about the investment then hear me out!  You have a 30 day m

oney back guarantee so if you HATE it you can get a full refund(but who are we kidding, you are gonna love this).

If you want to get a discount you can become a preferred customer and save 25% and if you want to get your program totally free, find 3 friends to do this with you and voila it is paid for!!!  Not to shabby right!  I mean everything is more FUN when you have FRIENDS to laugh with!


Now what is the next steps…. scroll to the bottom and FILL OUT MY APPLICATION!  Once you complete the application I will email you in the next 24 hours with all the details!

In the meantime if you want to get a head start, make me your FREE coach here!!  FREE COACH REGISTRATION

The group will start with our PLAN AND PREP week on the 6th of AUGUST and we will start day 1 of workouts on the 13th and the group will run until the 16th of September!!  6 weeks and we are going to be in a great routine and mindset of balanced and healthy living!!!




I am excited about this group because I am going to focus on all of the things that WE BUSY WORKING MOMMA’s deal with this time of year.

one of the things I’m excited to share with you is the restaurants we eat at that have healthier options like Jimmy Johns!!!



Then the next step is to fill out my application below. We can discuss the program that would best meet your needs and the requirements to participate!

I am excited to end the SUMMER STRONG and create some healthy and sustainable habits together!

Are you ready ladies to GET SUMMER STRONG!!!!!

Are you ready!!!?

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