After 9 years of diligently focusing on my health and nutrition, I notice when things are not feeling “normal”.
At the end of 2020 I started to get this feeling that something was off.
I found myself telling my husband that I was always tired, constantly had a headache, felt irritable 24/7, and couldn’t shake my anxiety even after a year of intensive therapy. I thought to myself, something else has to be going on!!
Last year, I set a goal to start focusing on my emotional health. I’ve dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for over 10 years. I made a huge commitment to start seeing a therapist to deal with the anxiety + I set some healthy boundaries for my own self-care. I knew the only way I was going to overcome the anxiety was to start setting boundaries, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and address the root cause of the anxiety.
Towards the end of last year, after 11 months of hard personal work on myself I just felt like something else was missing.
There was this little voice in the back of my mind that kept whispering, “chronic fatigue syndrome” and “leaky gut”.

I started to research functional medicine, gut health, and hormonal health. I found a huge connection between the gut and brain, which led me to connect with an awesome Practitioner, who is helping me navigate this journey today.
We first did a bunch of testing to confirm what I thought could be the culprit of my zapped energy and constant anxiety/irritability.
Over the last 90 days, I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve connected the dots between sugar, gluten, alcohol, and my symptoms. I now realize that I can be headache-free when I’m getting the right vitamins and nutrients. You can read about week 1 through week 5 here.
I don’t have to count calories or containers and I can eat a heck of a lot of good fats and feel amazing. The way I am doing this is by following the Whole30 program.
I have followed this program before, and I remember feeling THE BEST I ever have before while following it.
How do I do Whole30 and Beachbody at the same time? It is simple, I am still using the “Ultimate Portion Fix” lifestyle. The only thing that is different, is that I pick anti-inflammatory foods to help me maintain my body now rather than losing weight!
We pick foods that heal our gut, not so much the number of calories in each meal. Naturally, you can lose weight, because of the nutrient dense meals you are having!
Whole30 is designed to be able to cut out anti-inflammatory foods. By cutting them out, it is truly life-changing. Anti-inflammatory foods can include but aren’t limited to:
🥛 Dairy
❌ Processed Sugars
🥖 Gluten / Wheat
🍷 Alcohol
Every time I had one of those, something would go wrong. I was either more anxious than usual, and, or, I felt beyond tired and bloated.
Before I did start the program, all the foods I had listed above gave me HORRIBLE brain fog – I lost my creativity. My creativity is where all my business ideas come from so I needed to fix this stat. I would sleep for 8 hours and STILL FEEL TIRED! Nothing was making me feel like I was living my best life.

In January I committed to a food detox in addition to working with a functional medicine pharmacist for my overall health.
Since then, what I have found over the course of the 90 days of eating anti-inflammatory was:
🔸 You can lose weight at any age when you choose the right foods for you.
🔹 Anxiety can be controllable if you heal your gut.
🔺 That you can put a heck of a lot of toxic things in and on your body without even realizing it.
🔻 You can have so much more energy, mental clarity, and strength living a nontoxic, anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
Healing your gut can change your life!

With all this being said, I’m so excited to open up a private mentorship opportunity where you can learn how to heal yourself from the inside out together.
I encourage you to always consult a physician before starting any new program. Especially anything new to you, regarding your health and nutrition! I also have a great connection with my functional pharmacist which I will refer you to as well.
If you would like to participate in this opportunity, please fill out the application below.
I plan to walk you through three key areas in our time together:
The first is mindset. How do you need to think differently in order to make a long lasting change?
The second area is health and nutrition. I will educate you on how to figure out your personal trigger foods & create a plan that works best for you.
The third is moving your body with exercise. We will take it slow and exercise will be done as a way to give us more energy.
I’m so excited to share all the knowledge and info that I have learned and implemented over the past few months.
If this post speaks to you and you want to work together in a small group based around our health and nutrition:
Complete the application and I will contact you in the next 24 hours with the details!