When I fell in love with the process as much as I fell in love with the accomplishment of the dream, I knew it was the right dream for me to pursue!
Melanie Mitro

Can you believe that it is January 29th already? I feel like I blinked and 29 days have gone by. January is always the busiest time of the year for me as a business owner. This time of year is especially busy because of the industry I work in. The health/wellness industry and coaching women in business. January is the time of year when my clients are setting health/wellness goals and also goals for their own businesses or the businesses they would like to create.
My inbox is always full of requests to work privately through business coaching, leadership masterminds, and/or health/wellness support! Everyone is ready to set goals and take action towards the life they want to create! This is the time of year that people declare to get rid of excuses, to stop procrastinating and start taking action.
I spend the end of December and beginning of January reading women’s goals and ambitions, helping them set realistic benchmarks, and creating daily action plans. We spend January talking about how to stay accountable for the goals you want to accomplish. I preach about focusing on changing the actual habits instead of “willpowering” your way to the results you want. Actually changing your habits and patterns is the ONLY way that you can truly create lasting change in your life.
Typically, 90% of people are not willing to do the work to create new habits. Slowly but surely over the month of January, I see people drop off. They fade into the background, stop showing up for mentorship calls, stop turning in their homework, and before I know it- they are in the witness protection program.
THEY GAVE UP!!! Literally, these were the people who had BIG DREAMS AND AMBITIONS! 🏆 They were going to pay off their debts, leave that soul-sucking job and build a business that gave them flexibility and freedom! In less than 30 days, they already gave up!!! WHY???

They didn’t have a why that they saw themselves actually achieving!
The first reason why people give up on their goals is that they didn’t actually see the WHY or VISION as something they could actually achieve. When I work with women the first thing they do when setting goals is looking around to see what goals everyone else is setting. Then they say, “that sounds like a great goal, I’ll work towards that too!” But, in reality, that goal means nothing to them. Most people don’t even know what the goals they set mean or will do for their lives.
The first thing as a business coach that I do is to make sure that my clients are setting goals that have meaning to their lives. We talk about how achieving that goal will improve their life, will give them more of the things that they desire and we talk about what it will take to achieve the goal.
If you are sitting here right now and you haven’t made ANY movement towards your 2022 goals, ask yourself this…. DO MY GOALS MEAN SOMETHING TO ME? DO MY GOALS MEAN ENOUGH TO ME THAT I’M WILLING TO DO THE WORK?
Is the pain of change greater than the pain of staying the same?
Melanie Mitro
Can you visualize in great detail accomplishing the goal? How much money will be in your bank account? Who will be celebrating the accomplishments with you? Will you spend your days differently then, then you are right now? How will you be emotionally and physically? How do you want that accomplishment to look and feel? If you have not done so, can I ask you to journal that out? Read back the words every morning and night. The words you write should be the compass for your daily actions. Every morning I read my vision and ask myself, “What actions do I need to take today in order to get one step closer to the big goals I am accomplishing?”
That simple activity each morning is my guide for daily actions.

What are the action steps you will take to accomplish that goal daily, weekly and monthly?
The next step is to create a list of action steps that you will take daily, weekly, and monthly that will over time add up to the accomplishment of the big goal.
Here is how I do it. I sit down with a sheet of paper or a google document. I write down everything that pops into my mind as a task that can help me get to that goal. Then, I write next to each task (D) daily, (M) monthly and (W) for weekly. After that, I decide which tasks are the most important and those go at the top categorized by daily, weekly and monthly.
I decide which tasks are most important based on whether they produce immediate results in terms of leads and sales.
I then pull out my time blocker and carve out time in my week to accomplish these tasks. Side note, I always keep that list of tasks nearby. Every week I make sure that I’m still doing the RIGHT activities that are getting me to the goals. I make adjustments as I implement and tweak the plan. But, I use that daily, weekly and monthly list as my compass to get closer to where I want to be.
Do I love the process of figuring out how to accomplish the goals?
The biggest piece of the whole goal-setting process is whether or not the gritty work I’m doing is actually work I enjoy!
Accomplishing any goal is not a walk in the park. There are great days where I feel like I’m making awesome progress. Then, there are days where I feel like I just took five steps backward. There are curveballs and roadblocks that challenge my patience and my skillset. But, I love it!! I genuinely love the thrill of figuring out how to get to where I want to go! The day in and day out grind is HARD but I love it! I love figuring out the best way to lead my team, support the organization and create growth and opportunity for others. I love the thrill of building the business and trying out new marketing techniques to see if they work for my audience. I get excited about the challenges of the day because I know that I’m one step closer to being able to teach it to other people too!
Do you get THAT excited about your goals? Do you see how the obstacles are FOR YOU and NOT AGAINST YOU?
Friends, this is what achieving the goals should be like! You should find the work hard and challenging. But, it shouldn’t be so challenging that it paralyzes you and defeats you before you begin!
Every day we have a choice! We can choose to focus on the small steps that create change. Or we can choose to focus on the fact that there are a ton of steps that we have to take to get to the goal and become overwhelmed. We can focus on how far we are from the goal or how far we have come!
What is it going to be for you??
I beg you… don’t give up on your goals ALREADY! Unless of course, they are not the right goals for you!
Take a deep breath! Achieving your dreams is definitely not easy! But goodness, it is soo sooo worth it!
Now, let’s make plan! You are not behind, in fact, you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.
There is a lot of year left and we are just getting warmed up! Use this blog post as your roadmap for creating a plan of action from this point forward.
If you are craving support, mentorship and accountability let’s connect!
As a business coach, I can help you! I own a company alongside of my business partner, Katy Ursta called Chic Influencer. I offer private business coaching, leadership masterminds, an online community, courses and more!
If you want to know what service would best fit your needs, please send me an email at [email protected] and we can discuss the options!
It’s time to make 2022 your best year yet!