So you all have had lots of questions regarding complex carbs and protein parring. You all have a lot of questions about how to eat clean or fuel your body so that you see maximum results from your workouts. Hopefully this article will shed some light!
No Carbs? No Fat? No Way! Any diet that restricts any of the three macronutrients- carbs, proteins and fat is bad news. Each member of this terrific trio is necessary for your body to function properly. But how much do you need of each? Well here we go, I am going to tell you!
There are 2 types of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs are also known as sugars (often white foods such as flour, rice, sugar and others). They break down easily and tend to send blood sugar levels out of control.
For the most part, you want to avoid simple carbohydrates, with the exception of fruit. Fruits are simple carbs, but they contain vital nutrients and vitamins as well as fiber, which slows digestion.
Complex carbs are high in fiber and improve digestion. They provide you with energy, keep you satisfied after meals and stabilize blood-sugar levels. Vegetebles, fruits and whole grains are all complex carbs. They fall into 3 categories.
Starchy Complex Carbs from Whole Grains
 • Amaranth
 • Brown Rice
 • Buckwheat
 • Bulgur
 • Cream of Wheat
 • Millet
 • Oatmeal
 • Quinoa
 • Wheat Germ
 • Whole-grain pasta

 Starchy Complex Carbs from Vegetable Sources

 • Bananas
 • Beans
 • Carrots
 • Chickpeas
 • Lentils
 • Potatoes
 • Radishes
 • Split Peas
 • Sweet Potatoes
 • Yams

 High Water Complex Carbs

 • Asparagus
 • Broccoli
 • Brussels sprouts
 • Cabbage
 • Cauliflower
 • Celery
 • Cucumbers
 • Kale
• Onions
• Spinach
• Tomatoes
• Watercress
• Zucchini
Complex Carbs from Fruit
 • Apples
 • Berries
 • Citrus Fruits
 • Grapefruit
 • Grapes
 • Kiwi
 • Mangoes
 • Melons
 • Pears
 • Plums
• Pomegranate


 Protein is primarily found in meat, poultry, fish and eggs, but is also found in dairy and to some degree in vegetable and grain sources. Tofu, chia seed, quinoa and hemp seed are complete proteins. Other plant based protein sources must be eaten in combination in order to be complete. For example, the chickpeas and sesame paste in hummus combine to make it a complete protein.

 Lean Proteins

 • Beans of all kinds
 • Beef tenderloin
 • Bison
 • Canned salmon, packed in water
 • Canned tuna, packed in water
 • Chicken breasts
 • Chickpeas
 • Eggs
 • Fresh fish (cod, salmon, tilapia)
 • Kefir
 • Lean ground turkey
 • Lentils
 • Low-fat cottage cheese
 • Natural nut butters(almond, cashew, peanut, ect)
 • Plain non fat yogurt
 • Pork tenderloin
 • Tempeh
 • Tofu
 • Unsalted raw nuts and seeds

Health Fats

Healthy fats are an equally important part of the macronutrient triad. In fact, they offer the most energy and help with the absorption of vitamins A,D, E and K. Better still, they are necessary for keeping you warm, protecting your organs and for optimal brain functioning. We’ve been afraid of fats for a long time, but it’s time to embrace the healthy ones, steer clear of trans fats and use saturated fats in moderation.

Healthy Fats

 • Avocados
 • Avocado oil
 • Coconut oil
 • Flaxseed
 • Flaxseed oil
 • Grapeseed oil
 • Hazelnut oil
 • Nuts and seeds of all kinds
 • Olive oil
 • Pumpkinseed oil
 • Sesame oil
 • Sesame seeds

 • Walnut oil

So this should give you an idea of what you need to pair every meal. You need a complex carb and protein at each meal. This gives you an idea of what kinds of foods fit in each of these categories! I hope you found this article helpful. Please email me at [email protected] with ideas for future emails! What is it that you would like more information on?!
How Many Servings per day?

  • You should be eating 2 to 4 servings of starchy carbs from whole grains and/or vegetables per day.
  • You should be eating 4 to 6 servings of fresh produce per day.
  • You should be eating 5 or 6 servings of healthy fats per day.
  • You should aim to include a few tablespoon sized servings of healthy fats in your diet each day.

Tosca Reno:  For all of you that are interested in learning more about eating clean I highly reccomend Tosca Reno’s, Eat Clean Recharged book. It gives you the entire methodology behind why you should eat clean and gives you a good foundation for getting started! I read it cover to cover in 2 days!

Serving Sizes:  I am not a calorie counter and I never have been. The easiest way for me to measure my portion sizes is with my hands. Tosca taught me this!

Starchy Carbs should be 1 cupped handful(grains and pastas)

Complex carbs shou
ld be 2 cupped handfuls (fruits and veggies)

Protein should be the size of your palm.
I measure all my food this way. You can always go and get a meat scale if you really want to watch carefully! After a while you will get good at eye balling your portions.

Tip: I never use big plates. I always use my small plates, you don’t need that much food. When you have big plates you feel like you have to fill them up!

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