It is about feeling good on the inside that counts too, not just a physical transformation. Your gut health is everything. Your gut is considered our second brain.
Have you heard of the “4 Week Gut Protocol” yet?
If you haven’t, I want to shed some light on how changing what you are putting into your body can help you feel your BEST self.
Back in January of 2021, I started my own anti-inflammatory journey. Multiple times I would find myself telling my husband that I was always tired, I had a constant headache, I felt irritable 24/7, and couldn’t shake my anxiety even after a year of intensive therapy. I thought to myself, something else has to be going on!!
After the final time, I said to Matt that I couldn’t take it anymore, the first part of my journey that I switched was my overall nutrition.
You can read more about my own start here!
I’ve connected the dots between sugar, gluten, alcohol, and my symptoms.
An entire year later, I now realize that I can be symptom-free when I’m getting the right foods, vitamins, and nutrients.

I have completely changed the way I look at food, exercise and rest over the past year and a half.
Every day I am talking to women who have the same symptoms, but they have no idea where to start.
Right around the time I was thriving in my journey, Autumn Calabrese launched her newest program, The 4 Week Gut Protocol. PERFECT!!!
The 4 Week Gut Protocol is the tool I need to help support women like yourself on their anti-inflammatory journey too!!
The 4 Week Gut Protocol is a comprehensive approach to help you identify foods that may cause digestive troubles, choose foods that help support a healthy gut, and help rebalance your gut microbiome.
I was beyond thrilled that Beachbody and Autumn were coming out with a program that solely focused on healing from the inside, and out. I was doing that exact thing with my own health.
After changing my lifestyle, diet, and of my routine, I figured out my main triggers and what made me feel energized and alive again.
I knew I had to show everyone else what working on your gut health can do for you in just a few short weeks.
The Results Speak For Themselves.
Shannon B. told me “this has totally opened my eyes to see a whole new way.”.

Theresa S. did the 4 Week Gut Protocol 1 month before her 55th birthday.
She raves about the increase in her energy as well as her brain fog diminishing!

The main goal for my clients during our 4 weeks together is to help start the transformation process.
Every one of us is on a different path all while trying to live our best life.
Robin C. let me know that the mindset she had prior to this was “what can I do to get through my work day?”, now she looks forward to going to work and being able to teach our youth what they need to know!

30 days.
Imagine what you would feel like in 30 days.
A much happier, more energy-filled person? Yes!!
I feel like everyone should know what it feels like to be healthy from the inside out!
Truly believe me when I say, having a healthy gut does so much for your overall health! Your gut affects your digestion, hormones, and mental health!!!
The protocol can help you navigate through the symptoms you might be feeling that you didn’t even realize were gut-related! Remember, your gut is our second brain.
I am running my next round of the 4 Week Gut Protocol support and accountability group starting June 13th!
Are you in? Do you want the details? Complete the application below and I can give you all of the details and more!