This blog is inspired by fitness trainer, Autumn Calabrese. I was working out in person with her, and she said something along the lines of the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the successful people choose to do and take action even when they don’t feel motivated. You absolutely can manage your own motivation with hard work and dedication to YOU.
I thought how TRUE is that! It made me think about my business over the course of the last 12 years and how I have made decision after decision, not based on what I felt motivated to do in the moment, but what I knew I needed to in order to get me to where I was going to be.
Instead of shutting yourself down, I am giving you 6 different scenarios that you can manage your motivation through. I will walk you through a scenario then show you how to work through it to come out on the other side stronger.
Don’t Feel Like Doing The Work
You are either tired, ‘busy’, or it’s the end of the month, therefore you don’t believe that you can hit your goals. This makes you choose to not do any of the work. You are now down playing your goals and the life you truly desire! That is not who you are and where you want to go, I know that!
When you are feeling down / don’t feel like doing the work, I advise you to ask yourself this reflection question ➡️ where do you need manage your motivation when it comes to “I don’t feel like doing the work”? When do you find yourself saying it? Doing this reflection can help you find out why you feel that way and how you can work through it yourself.
Ask yourself why you don’t feel like doing the work, then decide the choice that you need to take!
I repeated, and still do repeat the phrase “I am willing to do what others are willing to do so I can have my life that is on my vision board. I will delay instant gratification for long term success.”
Negative Feedback
People will always have an opinion. That’s life. 🤷♀️ If people are going to have something to say about your post and business, ask yourself is there any truth the criticism.
Rather than shutting yourself down, go to trusted people who will shoot you straight and ask for feedback. Is what someone is saying to you true or is strictly a projection? Review what you are posting/talking about that way you can make an educated and logical decision if you need to adjust at all.
The worst thing to do is stop and shut down. Other peoples opinions don’t pay your bills. Don’t give others the power to let you feel low!

Having someone ‘quit’ on you
The feeling that you get when you FEEL like you failed someone… I know that feeling well. You get a message in your inbox from someone saying “I need to talk”.
You instantly internalize them quitting because you believe you invested so much time in them! You feel that everything you did was a waste of time and that you are not a good mentor.
That is actually the LAST thing you should do! You do not control anything other than your own reactions and responses. You need to understand that their decision doesn’t have a reflection on your leadership.
When someone is leaving, ask questions to get clarity! It is not your fault that someone does not want to continue on with something, but you can offer support and guidance! That is all you can do, control your own reaction.
Miss a benchmark or goal
If you know me at all, you know the story of me missing a H U G E benchmark in my business when I first started out. I pushed for a leadership invite, which then I missed the goal by one sale.
I was actually distraught. I thought I would never build a successful business. I was crying to my mentor that I wasn’t a good leader or coach and that I should just quit and give up now.
That was the L A S T mindset I should have had.
All I wanted was to help as many ladies are I could.
This was a wake up call for me to zone back in on what truly brought me joy – helping ladies feel good inside their body and minds.
Missing a benchmark or goal isn’t a sign to give up, it’s a sign to reevaluate what you are doing to see where you can shift.
After missing the goal, I went 10x and made my business hit even bigger goals!
I communicated why I was upset, then my mentor and I did some mindset work together, came up with an action plan, and I executed the plan.
Comparing yourself to others
Have you ever said to yourself “I should be farther along.”?
I thought this same thing in the beginning of my business because I felt like I was working so many hours, I worked intensely each day.
I would say “when is my time coming?”
This voice in my back of my mind kept saying “keep going Melanie, your time is coming. The compound effect will take place. You are the sum of your daily efforts and practice.”
I kept going when others around me pulled back.
I was in it for the long game.
I managed my motivation, showed up when it is hard, when all the cards were stacked against me because the vision of how I wanted my life to be different for my family and I was so large which made me dig deep down and keep going.
Look inside and ask yourself how to level up for YOU not because the other people around you are doing other things. You should want to improve on you and your motivation for YOU, not for anything else.
🌟🌟 A key tip I have for you if you are comparing yourself to others is to mute / block them on social media. If that is where you are going to see what others are doing, make it so that you can’t see it.
Reminder that what you put into your head is what your brain will believe. Continue to tell yourself you are the coach and mentor you are supposed to be and talk about how you will get to the goals you’ve set. Put it out into the universe.
Your income isn’t where you want it to be
Most people will look at the business and say you’ve been in it for X years and should be making X amount.
If you are in a certain place in your business, you will only make the max compensation for the work that you are putting in. It doesn’t’ have to do with longevity, it has to do with your efforts.
You can’t compare yourself to other people in the business because you don’t know how someone came into the business. You don’t know someone else’s background or story. This is why we need to continue to focus on our own journeys. Put your blinders on and ask yourself “what do I need to do to get me closer to my goals?”.
It is focusing on where you are at and how you can continue to grow your business. It is possible for you too.
You can control your income by your sales and compensation plan so max out that effort with your motivation.
Instead of looking at your business and saying it is not where it should be, what will you do about that?
If you don’t have the desire and the energy, that is what needs to be fixed first. The space between your ears is more important than any tool or strategy.
You need to learn how to mange your motivation more than anything. I get it, some days we just “don’t feel like it”, but that is not going to get you to where you want to be.
You are more than capable of managing your motivation. Take the steps today and you can move your business forward.