Women’s Weight Loss Transformation Story

Transformation Tuesday is in full swing.  Today I want to feature my dear friend Sara Stakeley.  Sara was my very first challenge group participant.  She started her journey in the fall of 2011 with P90X and Clean Eating.  Sara and I knew each...

Are you Struggling to Stick with Your Resolution to Lose Weight and Get Healthy?

February is here and I can’t believe that it is the 10th already! So now is the moment of truth.  What were your New  Year’s Resolutions?  What did you want to accomplish in 2013?  Have you made any progress towards that...

Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

I promised to share my favorite recipes from the reset with you all!  Here are the ones that are going into rotation!The Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque is soo yummy!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it!Ingredients:1 sweet potato (aka...