Well I officially have finished week 1 of my second round of Whole30.  I can say that this round is DEFINITELY not going the same as the first round did!  You know how they say that there is never going to be a perfect time to start something?  Well this couldn’t of been worse timing!  On Sunday last week I could absolutely feel that I was starting to get sick.  Monday morning I woke up and tried to give it my all in my workout and 1/2 way through I had to turn off Hammer and Chisel and start the 3 Week Yoga Retreat.  As the day went on Monday it just kept getting worse!  The rest of the week was full of sneezing, snot, foggy head and an achy body.  Instead of throwing in the towel and starting over with Whole30 which would of been the easy thing to do.  I pressed onward.  I was accountable to the people who joined my group and I was accountable to my success partner and I wasn’t going to give up.  Plus I really wasn’t hungry anyways so it wasn’t like I wanted to eat!  I just chose not to eat the carby foods that most people associate with sickness.

It’s Sunday, 1 week later and I am FINALLY feeling on the mend!  I have been diligent about diffusing my thieves, oregano, peppermint oils.  I have been using the RC oil to get rid of my congestion and using the saline wash to clear out my sinuses.  I have allowed myself grace this week to not be on the top of my game and I am absolutely not going to beat myself up over it.
I switched from Hammer and Chisel to a week of Yoga for gentle stretching to allow my mind to stay clear and my body relaxed.  Some people would say that it was a failed week.  I even might of said the same thing to you a few years ago.  But, I have learned that just because things didn’t go as planned doesn’t mean that I failed.  I learned the importance of persistence and commitment.  I am committed to the plan and my health and I know that the decisions I am making are helping me to be healthier faster.
So the game plan for this week: Starting over with week 1 of Hammer and Chisel tomorrow and officially starting day 8 of Whole30 tomorrow.  I am going to share my meal plan and ideas with you all below!


So as I was checking into the accountability group I am running for Whole30 I noticed a lot of people questioning why it is that they are doing whole30 in the first place.  It led me to question one simple thing!!  WHY ARE YOU DOING WHOLE30???  So a lot of people have been following me while I have done the plan.  I am starting to wonder if people are thinking that this is a weight loss program??
This is not a weight loss program!  Whole30 was designed to help you identify what foods could be causing you to feel sluggish, lack energy, have poor focus, poor digestive function, unhealthy sleep patterns and negative relationships with food.  Whole30 is meant to eliminate certain things from your diet to identify patterns and triggers so you can find what your body does in fact respond the best too.
The goal is to promote healthy relationships with food, improve your metabolism and repair your digestive tract.  This is not a calorie counting, container tracking plan!  I think that some are confused by that and are doing Whole30 for the wrong reasons.
If you are looking to improve your overall health and wellness this is for you but you have to be 100% committed to the plan and understand WHY you are doing it so that you do in fact get the benefits from it.  Make sure you get the book and read it before you say you are starting it.

Whole30, Meal Plan, Melanie Mitro, Guide

If you are considering doing Whole30 this is the book to read

This program is NOT HARD!  But it will require you to grow a little tough skin.  To say “No Thank  You” to things you are offered and it requires EFFORT.  You are going to have to do some grocery shopping, meal planning, dining out, and explaining what you are doing to your family and friends.  It will be challenging at times but if you are sick and tired of feeling the way that you do, then WHAT IS 30 DAYS???  In the grand scheme of things that is not a very  long time at all.  You can do this!

Now that I have my little soapbox speech out of the way lets continue on.  

How did the first week go?

For starters it never goes as planned.  The one thing with Whole30 is that there is ZERO option to have a cheat.  If you cheat you have to start over again!  The point is to eliminate certain foods so that you can figure out the triggers to other issues you might be experiencing.  I definitely didn’t follow the meal plan to the T last week and I found myself eating a lot of super basic foods because I didn’t feel up to par but I survived.

The first 5 days are like someone took a syringe and extracted your energy and focus from your body.  In the book Melissa and Dallas talk about how the level of ICK you feel in the first week is a correlation to the amount of ICK you have been putting in your body!  I definitely have had my share of sugar over the past few weeks with the holidays.  So my brain fog was ON POINT!!!!  I felt like I drank a bottle of Vodka and I hadn’t touched a lick of Alcohol.  LOVELY!!!!

Whole30 Dinner, Tacos

Whole30 Lettuce tacos, guacamole, sweet potato fries, green beans

Then, of course the after dinner cravings hit!  You know the cravings where you want something sweet after your dinner?  I was raised to always have dessert after our meal so that is something I have been conditioned by.  The one way around this has been to push back our dinner time from our typical 5 pm to at least 6 or 6:30pm. Then, I add in a cup of fresh fruit after dinner.  Right now the blackberries and Oranges have been our go to!  That satisfies the craving. Then, when the evening cravings hit I am learning to remove myself from the kitchen, get my sparkling water, grab a book and curl up with a warm blanket and either chat with a friend on the phone or watch some TV.  I keep my mind busy and tell myself that just because I am sitting around doesn’t mean I need to be eating!  It’s all about breaking habits and replacing your old ones with new ones.  This time of year its cold outside in PA so I am finding indoor projects like re organizing closets and decorating to keep me busy!  Why not challenge yourself to something new to keep you busy!
Day 4 and 5 they say is the “kill all things” days!  They seriously could not be more truthful on this!!  No joke you feel blah, you question why you are doing this, you smell something sweet and you start instantly salivating!  Your body is trying to talk you into going back into your old ways but you have got this!!!!  You can do this!  It’s like your body is a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum!!!!  It wants the sugar, the carbs the fatty junk foods and it is making you stressed out!  THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!  Just take a deep breath and remind yourself why you are doing the Whole30 in the first place and keep going!
Day 6 and 7 I just want to NAP!!!  Well I don’t know if it is this phase of Whole30 or it is my sickness or it is just my personality because I really do love to nap all the time!  It’s totally o to want to take a nap!  You have been reliant on sugar and energy drinks for so long for energy and now your body is learning how to use the food you are eating for fuel.  It’s an adjustment so allow yourself that grace.
Also there are some people who are noticing their symptoms are actually worse this first week.  Bloating, constipation, diarrhea but that too may be normal.  Your body is actually just transitioning and it needs time to adjust to the new nutrient dense foods. So hang in there.  You are not a failure and it is part of the process.

How Did I Handle The Birthday Cake??

Saturday was Bryce’s birthday who is my NOW 6 year old!  Of course we served cake and went out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant.  How did I survive?
For starters, just because I didn’t have cake doesn’t mean I am disrespecting my 6 year old.  Honestly he didn’t even notice that I didn’t eat cake at all.  I socialized I served the cake and I cleaned up after the party and there wasn’t even a second thought about it.  It’s not all about the CAKE, its about the memories that you are creating. So remember that when you are going through a party or social situation.  Its about the people you are spending time with.

Happy Birthday Bryceman

Happy Birthday Bryce man

Then, the Mexican Restaurant.  I talked to my husband and the kids and didn’t look at the chips and salsa.
I ordered a grilled chicken salad with no cheese, croutons and the salad on a plate without the crispy shell.  I got oil and vinegar dressing and life is good!  No sweat, no tears and I stayed right on track.  Did I have to ask for modifications??  Of course I did… but it was worth it!  So don’t be afraid to speak up for what you want!!! Sorry for the less than pretty picture of my food but I wanted you to get the point!
I survived Mexican on the Whole30

I survived Mexican on the Whole30

So what is my plan for the week?

It’s the start of week 2 and here is my meal plan for the week.  Yes I am drinking Shakeology and YES I am very well aware that the plan says no Shakeology.  But, I am not willing to give up something that has drastically improved my digestion and my health over the past 5 years.  It truly is my multivitamin and I don’t feel that there is any correlation to food and Shakeology.  That’s my OPINION and yes that does mean I’m not doing 100% Whole30 but that is what I have chosen to do!  (I felt I needed to say that because that is the #1 question I get asked).

Whole30, Adapted with Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Meal Plan

Whole30 Week 2 Meal Plan, incorporating Shakeology

So, I am ready to bring on week 2!!!  I have my food prepped, my grocery list ready and it is time to head off to church, the grocery store and rock the week ahead!  I wish you all the very best of luck if you are currently in your Whole30 journey too!
Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and my Accountability Page here if you would like my support and accountability in your health and fitness journey!