by Michael Ursta | Oct 10, 2014 | 21 Day Fix, Accountability, Challenge Group, clean eating, Fall Fitness, Fit Mom, melanie mitro, Pittsburgh Coach, Piyo, Shakeology, Support, T25
As a mom and a very busy mom at that I know that the STRUGGLE is REAL!!! I know that you are being pulled in a million different directions and the last thing that you want to worry about is what you are eating and when you are fitting in your workout. I...
by Melanie | Jul 14, 2014 | clean eating meal plan, Committed to Getting Fit, fitness motivation, melanie mitro, Piyo, Piyo Meal Plan, Successful Beachbody Coach, Women's Progress update
It’s official I have finished 3 weeks of Chalene Johnson’s Piyo workout and the verdict is in! I am truly in love with this program. Yes it is completely a total change in pace from my 21 day fix and Insanity workouts but quite honestly I think...
by Michael Ursta | Jul 14, 2014 | clean eating meal plan, Committed to Getting Fit, fitness motivation, melanie mitro, Piyo, Piyo Meal Plan, Successful Beachbody Coach, Women's Progress update
It’s official I have finished 3 weeks of Chalene Johnson’s Piyo workout and the verdict is in! I am truly in love with this program. Yes it is completely a total change in pace from my 21 day fix and Insanity workouts but quite honestly I think...
by Melanie | Jun 26, 2014 | at home workout, Chalene Johnson, clean eating, Pilates., Piyo, Piyo Meal Plan, Week 1 Progress Update, workouts, Yoga
Piyo is HerePiyo is hereI have officially started my Piyo Journey! I am so excited to share with you my weekly progress! I have decided to go 100% commitment and do Piyo from start to finish because I truly feel like I have always been a high intensity,...