Summer Survival Guide Support & Accountability Group: Do You NEED To Get Your Butt In Gear?

Let me ask you a question!  Have you gotten out your swimsuits and tried them on yet this year?  I am the person who packs up her summer clothes into bins and rotates the winter wardrobe and summer wardrobe.  It was something my mother always did and I...

Hammer and Chisel Women’s Meal Plan

It is totally crazy to think that I have completed an entire round of Hammer and Chisel already.  60 days in the books!  I will be honest that I enjoyed myself over the holidays, I stuck to the workouts but we had Christmas, a trip to Florida, New Years, a huge...

Hammer and Chisel Women's Meal Plan

It is totally crazy to think that I have completed an entire round of Hammer and Chisel already.  60 days in the books!  I will be honest that I enjoyed myself over the holidays, I stuck to the workouts but we had Christmas, a trip to Florida, New Years, a huge...