by Melanie | May 9, 2016 | 22 Minute Hard Corps, clean eating, Daily Accountability, Hammer and Chisel, Meal plan, melanie mitro, Recipes, Shakeology, Summer Survival Guide
Let me ask you a question! Have you gotten out your swimsuits and tried them on yet this year? I am the person who packs up her summer clothes into bins and rotates the winter wardrobe and summer wardrobe. It was something my mother always did and I...
by Melanie | Apr 29, 2016 | 21 Day fix Recipes, 22 Hard Corps Recipes, clean eating, Elite Coach, Healthy Eating., melanie mitro, Shakeology, Shakeology Mug cake, Top Coach
So I am going to just shoot it straight! I have a killer sweet tooth and I love anything chocolate! I have a hard time passing it up! I was in dire need of something last night so I whipped up this bad boy! It satisfied the need for something sweet and I...
by Melanie | Apr 7, 2016 | 21 Day Fix, 22 Minute Hard Corps, clean eating, Eat Clean Train Dirty, Fit Mom, meal planning, melanie mitro, Shakeology, Summer Strong
The realization that we literally have less than 57 days until Memorial Day weekend is hitting me STRONGLY!!! That means that you are about to begin to uncover all the bad choices, the late night snacks, the drinks and the holiday goodies you have been eating!...
by Melanie | Feb 22, 2016 | Accountability, Challenge Group, clean eating, meal planning, Shakeology, Support, Tony Horton, What is 22 minute hard corps
Follow my blog with BloglovinBeachbody is at it again. They are about to launch a brand new home fitness program that is going to blow your mind!! They started out with programs like P90X that were over an hour long each day. Then, they created 21...
by Melanie | Feb 8, 2016 | clean eating, Eat Clean Train Dirty, Hammer and Chisel, Love Yourself, Meal plan, Meal Plans, melanie mitro, Shakeology, Support and Accountability Group, Women's Progress update
It is totally crazy to think that I have completed an entire round of Hammer and Chisel already. 60 days in the books! I will be honest that I enjoyed myself over the holidays, I stuck to the workouts but we had Christmas, a trip to Florida, New Years, a huge...
by Michael Ursta | Feb 8, 2016 | clean eating, Eat Clean Train Dirty, Hammer and Chisel, Love Yourself, Meal plan, Meal Plans, melanie mitro, Shakeology, Support and Accountability Group, Women's Progress update
It is totally crazy to think that I have completed an entire round of Hammer and Chisel already. 60 days in the books! I will be honest that I enjoyed myself over the holidays, I stuck to the workouts but we had Christmas, a trip to Florida, New Years, a huge...