Pre-Order P90X 2 from September 1st through September 5th this is an exclusive offer for coaches and their customers. Click here to see Infomercial

If you pre-order P90X2 through me you will receive free shipping which is a savings of $40. When you pre-order you will also get 2 bonus workouts that target the legs and upper body balance that compliment the P90X2 workouts.

You are also entered into weekly contests, apparel, products and equipment from Beachbody.

The grand prize drawing winner will have P90X2 delivered to their door step by Tony Horton himself!

What is P90X2?

It is a 90 Day cutting edge fitness program that takes P90X muscle confusion to a new level focusing on strength, mobility, balance and explosive power. There is no Kenpo, no traditional cardio, but you have a new ab ripper, yoga, plyometrics, ect. The main focus is to help people get strong, fast, and focused. You will lose weight for sure, but you will become stronger! You have to have a good baseline of fitness. It is a 5 day a week program instead of a 6 day a week program. P90X2 is very core based and connects all your body parts together so you feel solid and connected. Makes you feel like a kid again.

The Program Training Phases:

Phase 1- Foundation: 3-5 weeks

Phase 2- Strength: 3-6 weeks

Phase 3- Performance: 3-4 weeks

Recovery Week

What kind or results can I expect? Phase 1: You’ll move better, you’ll feel better, and you’ll be far less likely to get injured.

Phase 2: You’ll get stronger through a wider range of motion, you’ll get more supple, and you’ll look good.

Phase 3: You’ll jump higher, run faster, and be more explosive. You will start to feel like a kid again.

Who’s it for?

P90X and Power 90 grads.

Graduates of other “Extreme” programs, Insanity, Insanity the Assylum, TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme.

Athletes looking to improve performance.

Former athletes wanting to get back in shape.

How does it differ from P90X, Insanity and Insanity the Assylum?

P90X questions have been answered.

Three training phases cover more physiological ground.

P90X2 is more compartmentalized, more focused, more targeted.

P90X2 is training for sport.

Diet plan is more versatile.

What is P.A.P training? Post Activation Potential?

Doing a weighted resistance exercise prior to an explosive one can increase the amount of power produced by conditioned individuals.

What makes this program unique?Where else do you get functional training, strength training, plyometrics, and post activation potential in one program.

The Workouts:

How to bring it again (introductory session)

X2 Core


X2 Recovery and mobility

X2 Total Body

X2 Yoga

X2 Balance + Power

Check +Back+Balance

X2 Shoulders+Arms

Base + Back

P.A.P Lower

P.A.P Upper

X2 Ab Ripper

V Sculpt- Works the back and biceps. The movements will all be done from an athletic stance so that strength gains will all be applicable to real world movements.

X2 Chest+ Shoulders + Tris: Known as your pushing muscles, the chest, shoulders, and triceps will learn to function better than ever before with this workouts.

What kind of results can you expect?

You’ll move better, you’ll feel better, you’ll be less likely to get injured. You will get stronger through a wider range of motion, you’ll look and feel like a kid again.

Base Kit is $119.85

Club Price: $107.89

Coach $89.89

The deluxe kit is $ 239.70

Club Price: $215.73

Coach: $179.78

Ultimate Kit is $299.55

Club Price: $269.60

Coach: $224.66

If you are interested in purchasing P90X2 during the pre-order phase, email me at [email protected]. This limited time offer is from September 1st to September 5th only! Start thinking about getting in shape for the holidays or that special gift for someone you love!

What’s better than the gift of a healthy lifestyle!