How do you find the motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt? We have all had days where the motivation is left in the dust and the carton of ice cream is taking center stage. It is really important to continue to motivate yourself to reach your goals everyday. I have outlined some ways to stay motivated below. One very important one is to find an accountability partner. Find someone that you can workout with that will hold you to your goal and scream at you if needed. Who is that person that will call you out when you are making bad food choices or skipping workouts. A few other important things that I do EVERYDAY is to log your workouts, read magazines, books and websites along with rewarding myself. It is so important to surround yourself with positive people who are supporting your goal. I constantly read blogs from people who are trying to eat clean and lose weight. I love Oxygen magazine, their magazine is based on the eat clean principles.

So here are some ways to stay motivated below:

1. How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a good workout. It’s a high. And I let that motivate me the next time: “You know how good you’re going to feel, Melanie!” I am always pumped for the rest of the day.

2. Time for you. While many people make time to take care of others (kids, spouse, other family, co-workers, boss), they don’t often make time to take care of themselves. Instead, make your “you” time a priority, and don’t miss that exercise appointment. I had to actually sit down and talk with my husband about not giving me a hard time when I needed to exercise. Now he is very supportive.

3. Calories burned. If you count calories (and it’s really one of the most effective ways to lose weight), you know that the more you exercise, the more calories you burn — and the bigger your calorie deficit. Personally I do not do this one but you have to do what works for you. They have a great little invention out there called the body bug and I encourage you to check it out. It makes exercise and eating a game by tracking all your movements and the food you eat and it tells you how many calories you burned vs. how many you took in! I would love this!

4. Having fun. Exercise should be fun. If it isn’t, try a different kind of activity that you enjoy. As long as you’re moving, it’s good for you. Don’t feel pressured into doing a certain type of exercise, do what’s right for you and most importantly do what you will stick with. You have to LOVE your workout routine, otherwise it feels like a chore. Exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore it should feel like a reward.

5. How you’re going to look. Imagine a slimmer, fitter you. Now let that visualization drive you. I go through the Oxygen magazine and rip out pictures of models that I would like to look like and then I hang them on my wall where I exercise. It reminds me that I am working towards my “best” body. Now that I have achieved my weight loss goal, I still am trying to achieve that “best” body with strength training and toning. Another suggestion is to create a dream/motivation board. Cut out pictures that are motivating to you and put on a poster board and keep in a place that you will be reminded of every day!
6. Magazines. It motivates me to read fitness magazines. Not sure why, but it works. I secretly would love to do a bikini competition!
7. Cover models. Sure, they’re genetically freaky, and probably Photoshopped to look perfect. But for some reason, looking at how good a cover model looks helps motivate me to work harder.

8. Blogs. I enjoy reading blogs about people who are into running, or losing weight. It can show the ups and downs they go through, and you can learn from their experiences. 

9. Success stories. I find the success stories of others incredibly inspirational. If a fitness website has success stories, I’ll almost always read them. I also search the beachbody facebook support groups for good transformation pictures to use as my motivation.

10. Forums. Do the monthly challenge on the beachbody facebook group with your coach, or join another forum full of like-minded or like-goaled peopled. Check in daily. It really helps. It is really important to be an active member of the forums, the more you post the more comments you will get to keep you motivated.  Message me if you want in on a new challenge, starting Oct 1st!

11. Rewards. If you exercise for a few days, give yourself a reward! A week? Another reward. Do it often in the beginning. Don’t always make it food! I bought myself a new outfit and allowed myself to purchase another exercise program!

12. Fitting into new clothes. Wanna look good in a smaller size? Work out!

13. Being attractive. That’s always a good motivator, as I’m sure we all know. I hate that I used to run into the bathroom to change because I didn’t want my husband to see me naked! Now at least I let him get a glimpse of the body that is hiding under those clothes!!
14. Adrenaline rush. I get a rush when I exercise. Ride that rush to complete the workout.
15. Stress relief. Wound up after a long day at the office? Get out and work off that stress. It makes a world of difference. I know its hard to get yourself to that point but that’s where your accountability partner comes into play. Keep each other in check even when you have a long day!

16. Time for contemplation. I love, love the quiet time of exercise for thinking about things. Most of this post was written in my head as I exercised.

17. A workout partner. Best thing I’ve done. Has totally helped me reach my goals. The Beachbody support groups have been the deal breaker.

18. An exercise class. Sign up for a class, perhaps with a friend, and you’ll be motivated to get there and work out. 724 Fit Club is calling your name baby!!! 
19. A coach or trainer. Worth the money, just for the motivation. How about FREE, I am a beachbody coach and I help motivate people to reach their health and fitness goals. I can also help you with meal planning and staying accountable to your workout plan. 
20. An exercise log/graph. For some reason, writing it down is extremely important. Really. Do it for a week and you’ll see what I mean.
21. Your before picture. You often don’t realize how far you’ve come. Take pictures. I have taken pictures and I hide them on my computer so no one can find them. I always take pictures in a sports bra and shorts and then some with form fitting clothes on. That way you can eventually share some pictures!
22. A 5K race or triathlon. Just sign up for one, and you’ll be motivated to train. I’m still working on this one!
23. The dread of feeling “yuck” from not exercising. I hate how I feel after not exercising. So I remind myself of that when I feel tired.
24. Living long enough to see your grandkids … and play with them.
25. The scale. It’s not motivating to weigh yourself every day, as your weight fluctuates. But if you weigh yourself once a week, you’ll be motivated to have it keep going down, instead of up. Combine the scale with the measuring tape, and measure your waist. I haven’t weighed myself in a week and today I got on the scale and it was down 2 lbs!
26. Reaching a goal. Set a goal for weight, or your waist measurement, or a number of days to work out, or a number of miles to run this week. Setting and tracking a goal helps motivate you to complete that goal. Make it easily achievable.
27. Posting it on your blog. Tell people you’re going to lose weight or exercise daily, and report to them. You’ll make it happen.

28. Motivational quotes. I like to print them out or put them on my computer desktop. You can always take what I’ve posted, print it out or re-post it!

29. Books. I just bought a strength-training book as a reward. It makes me want to hit the weights! I love love love Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean books. I am also reading the Abs Diet now!

30. Others commenting on how good you look. When someone notices the changes in your body, it feels good. And it makes you want to work out more.

31. An upcoming day at the beach, or a reunion. Nuff said.
Other motivational groups out there that I sponsor:

What are your motivations? Let me know in the comments