22 Minute Hard Corps Day 1

So I am absolutely stoked to share with you our first day of 22 minute hard corps!!!  We ordered the deluxe kit yesterday afternoon as soon as it was released and because we have Beachbody On DEMAND or BOD we could access it within 24 hours and stream the entire program from our Apple TV.  So we checked and double checked our On Demand library to see when it would be available.  This afternoon we did our very first workout.
The workout was Cardio 1 and Core.  22 minutes of cardio that included, lunges, bear crawls, burpees, jumping jacks, and squats.  Then we followed that with 10 minutes of core work that made us realize that we need a little more strengthening in that area!  The RESULT was a pool of sweat, a racing heart rate and the rush of the post workout HIGH!!!  It felt good!  The workout was fast paced but totally doable.  The modifications were great, so no matter what your ability level is, you can do the workout.  Check out a little snippet of our workout below.
I am sooo excited to have my side kick back working out with me.  We did Max 30 together and I miss the laughs, the jokes, the silly selfies and the time spent together! We are both committed to doing this as a couple.  This ought to be a blast!!!

So we are committed to each workout this week:
Tomorrow:  Resistance 1
Friday:  Cardio 1 and Core 1
Saturday: Resistance 1
Sunday:  Cardio 2 and Core 1
Monday: Resistance 1
Tuesday:  OFF DAY & Meal Prep
Today we are spending some time getting our meal plan in place for the week.
In the nutrition guide there is a formula that you use to figure out your calorie range and your nutrition category.
There are 5 different plans to choose from based on your weight and goals.
Your food is broken down into 7 groups:
Your Veggies, Fruits, Proteins, Carbs, Healthy Fats, Seeds & Dressings and Oils & Nut butters.  You have a list of foods you can choose from and the serving sizes for each.
Your goal is to choose from each list and put together your meals.
I really like that they tell you how many servings of each category to eat at each meal! That takes the guess work right out of it!
So here is my game plan for the next week!  I always say to keep it simple, repeat your meals for the first week and don’t over complicate things.  Once you get the hang of the prep and planning then you can start to change up the recipes.

I am also going to be using the Beachbody Performance Line as well.  I drink the pre workout energize before my workout to give me that boost of energy and clarity.  Then I drink the post workout recover to facilitate muscle repair and manage my exercise induced muscle soreness.
You have to give the performance line a chance, it is worth every single penny!
So, now it’s go time on day 2!!!
Follow Matt and I on my like page, Committed To Getting Fit or on Instagram for our updates, our progress and the results!!!
If you would like to join my 22 Minute Hard Corps Test Group there is still time. We kick things off on the 7th of March!!!
Just think that 8 weeks from now we are in full SPRING weather and Summer is a MONTH AWAY!  Everyone has 22 minutes to devote to themselves.  You always find time for the things you want most!  Let me help you stay motivated, get started and see results.  #GETSOME
To read more about 22 minute hard corps click here  
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