Summer, Sunshine, and Living Your Best Life!

Summer, Sunshine, and Living Your Best Life!

Hi, my name is Melanie and I am a recovering 100 calorie pack, diet soda, lean cuisine and smart ones user!! I believed that losing weight meant cardioing yourself to death, skipping meals and undoing all your hard work on the weekends. I had no idea how to cook...
Finding Balance This Easter Weekend

Finding Balance This Easter Weekend

Do you struggle with finding balance over the Easter weekend?  Maybe you are traveling, the kids are on spring break or you have family that is staying with you.  THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!  I never want to say that you have to be so strict that you don’t enjoy...
UPF Lifestyle Challenge Group

UPF Lifestyle Challenge Group

Hey friends, thanks so much for visiting my blog and for checking out this article on the Ultimate Portion Fix.  I personally have a passion for all things clean eating, nutrition, and creating a healthy lifestyle.  I do not believe in crash diets but in creating new...
Ultimate Portion Fix: Meal Planning Made Smarter

Ultimate Portion Fix: Meal Planning Made Smarter

The Portion Fix is what introduced the world to rainbow portion control containers, and now Autumn is back and revamping the nutrition program to make it EVEN BETTER!  You guys, I am so excited for you to experience this program!  Portion controlled containers changed...
How I Lost 5 lbs with the 3 Day Refresh

How I Lost 5 lbs with the 3 Day Refresh

I’ve done the  3 day, plant-based detox a few different times now and I can say honestly and truthfully, I feel a THOUSAND times better than I did before doing the cleanse.  So, I wanted to take the time to fill you all in on what the 3 Day Refresh is, how it...