Busy Moms Build A Business

Before PictureYou know I have been spending a lot of time these past few weeks just reflecting on where I was 3 and a half years ago.  I can remember clear as day pulling through my summer and spring clothes after having Bryce and nothing fit.  It was almost...

Mom’s On A Mission, Transform Your Confidence, Body and Lifestyle. The Total Package!

As a mom and a very busy mom at that I know that the STRUGGLE is REAL!!!  I know that you are being pulled in a million different directions and the last thing that you want to worry about is what you are eating and when you are fitting in your workout.  I...

Mom's On A Mission, Transform Your Confidence, Body and Lifestyle. The Total Package!

As a mom and a very busy mom at that I know that the STRUGGLE is REAL!!!  I know that you are being pulled in a million different directions and the last thing that you want to worry about is what you are eating and when you are fitting in your workout.  I...

P90 is Officially HERE- What are the details and how can I get it?

There has been lots of talk about the newest fitness program to join the Team Beachbody Catalog.  Yesterday was the official release of P90.  This is a program that is created by Fitness trainer and expert Tony Horton.  You may also know him from...