What does it mean to be an Elite Coach?

I get asked the question quite a bit so I thought a blog post was in order!  Over the past week there has been a lot of recognition and announcements floating around my facebook page.  The end of the year numbers were released and my team kicked some serious...

Set Goals, Dream Big, Achieve It, Believe It, Dream Team Will Lead the Way

One thing I have gotten in the habit of doing over the past few years is setting goals for myself and periodically reflecting on how I am doing at meeting those goals but also setting goals for myself in the following months and years.  So over the past few days...

Team Beachbody’s Newest 15 Star Super Star Diamond Coach In the House!!!

When you are a little girl and you play dress up and you dream about what your life is going to look like, what did you say you wanted to be?  Did you say you wanted to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Stay at Home Mom, or like my husband Garbage Man! 😉  I know...

Team Beachbody's Newest 15 Star Super Star Diamond Coach In the House!!!

When you are a little girl and you play dress up and you dream about what your life is going to look like, what did you say you wanted to be?  Did you say you wanted to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Stay at Home Mom, or like my husband Garbage Man! 😉  I know...

Lessons In Leadership, Going from a Stay at Home Mom to Mentor and Leader

Happy Saturday!!  The kids are still in bed and I just finished my T25 workout.  I’m sitting here checking in with my groups and responding to my emails.  I came across a few emails this week that have totally changed my perspective of...

My Journey to the 2014 Elite 10 Adventure in Italy, Where am I at now?

Happy Hump Day!!!  It’s October 15th already and I have no idea where time goes!  I cannot believe that another month is almost half way thru.  I mean really where does time go?  I think it’s because we all get so busy with life that we...