Mother’s Day Quotes

Good Morning! It’s Sunday May 12th and it’s Mother’s Day!!  This day is so near and dear to my heart for so many reasons.  We have so many things to be thankful for in life.  The sun is shining, we are alive, the air is clean and my family is HEALTHY!!

This morning I spent some time reflecting on what Mother’s Day means to me.  Let’s start first with my mother.  My mom has always been my very best friend. Even when I was in middle school and giving her a run for her money she still stood strong.  My mom is the first person I call when something happens, she is always excited for me, she comforts my fears, she is there for me when I need her and her kindness and love is unfailing.  She is my “shop til you drop buddy” for sure.  Even in high school we would always take 1 day off from school and go to the mall when it opened and stay until it closed. We would do breakfast, lunch and dinner out and we could hardly walk by the time we got home at night!  These were the things that I loved!!  When I would come home from school having a bad day she would talk through any problems and help me come up with a solution.  She never ever let me quit!!  If I said I was going to do something she made me see it through for the entire season.  This has taught me to never quit or give up!  To this day I do not believe in quitting.  She has taught me that God is the most important part of your life and should be a priority every single day.  She has taught me to respect my parents, to respect my husband and to love my family unconditionally.  One of the things that really resonates with me is the importance of family!  I always thought she was crazy for making us do “family game night” or family dinners, but because she stresses the importance of us all sticking together we have a great family bond.


Over the past 4 weeks you know that I have been challenged in my faith, my family, and my strength.  When tragedy hits our family we don’t run the other way, we actually bind together and are stronger than ever!  It’s because my mother and father have taught us the importance of family!

So on this day I am thankful for my mother and her love and compassion.  For her friendship and her sacrifice for us kids.  I know that being a mom is a hard job and she has done it so flawlessly.  This is your day MOM and I honor YOU!!!!

Mother’s Day, Baptizing Bryce

The second part of my mother’s day is for my children.  On Mother’s Day 2 and 4 years ago we dedicated our boys Landon and Bryce to the Lord.  Matt and I made the promise to raise them in a Christian home, to love and care for them and to teach them right from wrong.  When we decided to have a family we chose to put their needs before our own and to provide for their every need.  Of course we nod our head and vow to do everything that we can to be there for them.  But let me tell you, being a parent is not an easy job!!!

I will tell you this!  I promise to always be the ROCK for our family.  To support and love my children in all that they do.  I pray for God to grant me patience to deal with my blessings each and every day.  I always give my kids kisses before they go to bed at night and am there when they open their eyes each day!  I promise to be a good example, to teach them respect, love, compassion and integrity.  I want my boys to feel the same love that my parents gave for me.  I am committed to being the very best MOM that I can  be!  You do not get do overs in life.  You get one shot to get it right.  I believe that God placed these 2 little boys in my life for a specific reason.  Landon is so kind and caring he definitely takes after his Daddy with his ability to step up to the plate in times of need.  Bryce is my wild man!!  He is bold, funny, energetic and charismatic.   His personality is still in the making!  I can’t imagine my life in any other way!!

Being a MOM is a tough job but I am glad that I am blessed to be able to take it on!  Today we relax and enjoy what life has blessed us with!

Landon and Mommy
Hospital with Bryce, Mitro Family

The Mitro Family
Today Matt is hosting brunch at our house with his family and mine!
I have the best husb
and because he cleaned the house, is cooking the meal and is making it clean!!!
Check out our brunch recipes here!!