Beaches Resort, Turks and Caicos, Elite Coaches, Elite Retreat, Elite Coach Trip, The Dream Team, Melanie Mitro, Top 10 Coach, Super Star Diamond Coach, Millions Club, Successful Coach, Top Coach


Do you feel like you are living your best life right now?  This was the theme of our Elite Coach Trip!

This past weekend I took my top coaches (Elite Coaches) in my organization on a trip to Turks & Caicos because these women work incredibly hard, they are passionate about what they do, and they are just like me!  We don’t ever slow down and just celebrate the HUGE WINS our businesses. We are always moving on to the next goal.  So I had this idea that I would take them on a trip so that we can actually regroup, refresh and just grow together as friends and leaders.  I was sooo excited to spend a few days away with with my top leaders on our Elite Coach Trip.  I couldn’t sleep the night before we left.  I was like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to bring me my presents.

On the very first day of the the Elite Coach trip my coach Alyssa played this song and the main theme was LIVING MY BEST LIFE!! We used that phrase for the entire weekend and I swear we talked about how crazy cool it is that we are legit living our best life right now.  For real, who gets to just pack a bag, catch a plane and hang out with 7 other amazing CEO’s for a long weekend?!?  If you would of told me in 2011 that when I said YES to joining a support group to lose the 30 lbs I gained from having my two boys I would become the 4x Top Coach in the company, a multimillionaire from network marketing and get to travel the world- I would of laughed at you.  But I can remember so vividly how SURE I was that this was the right move to make.  I was so excited to become a coach even though I had NO CLUE how to be successful.  I was willing to do whatever it took to figure it out.  I watched other people earning trips, getting paid out bonuses, paying off debt and living a life of freedom and I wanted that so badly.  In 2011 I had Bryce who was 6 months old, Landon was a little over 2, we were a single family income and struggling big time to just get by.

Beaches Resort, Turks and Caicos, Elite Coaches, Elite Retreat, The Dream Team, Melanie Mitro, Elite Coach Trip, Top 10 Coach, Super Star Diamond Coach, Millions Club, Successful Coach, Top Coach

I desperately wanted to have extra money to do fun things with my family and not have to argue about finances with my husband all the time.

I created my first vision board when I signed up as a coach and every single day I would look at that vision board and imagine what it would feel like to reach those goals.

Do you have a vision for your life? 

Do you know where you want to be 3-5 years from now?  Who do you want to spend your time with?  Where do you want to live?  How much money do you want in your bank account? What will you be doing for your job? Write it down and read it to yourself every single day.  Then, instead of looking at the magnitude of what you want to accomplish, ask yourself this. What is 1 thing I can do today that is going to get me closer to where I want to be?

Is it signing up as a coach?

Is it starting your fitness journey?

Making a healthy food choice?

Drinking more water?

ONE THING!  JUST 1!!!  Then, every single day just focus on one more thing that you can do to get where you want to be.  Eventually you are going to see this compound effect building up to the point where you are reaching the goals you have set for yourself.  It is truly incredible what is possible when you allow yourself to dream big.  

Turks & Caicos- Elite Coach Trip

Sorry for the small rant- back to the trip!!  So the reason I’m writing you this blog post is because I want you to know what is REALLY possible for you!  

Beaches Resort, Turks and Caicos, Elite Coaches, Elite Retreat, Elite Coach Trip, The Dream Team, Melanie Mitro, Top 10 Coach, Super Star Diamond Coach, Millions Club, Successful Coach, Top Coach

Each of these ladies comes from different backgrounds.  Alyssa, Mackenzie and Deidra are all nurses.  Rachel is a college professor, Katy taught 7th grade English, Val is a military wife and I am a former Director of Early Intervention.  We all have kids and we all have built this business in the pockets of time we had.  We are the Elite coaches of the team and together we have an unshakeable bond.  We spent the weekend working out together, eating great food, drinking cocktails on the beach, laughing hysterically and just relaxing!  


I am looking for my next Elite Coaches, is that you?  Learn More About What Coaching Is All About?  What Is Coaching?

Beaches Resort, Turks and Caicos, Elite Coaches, Elite Retreat, Elite Coach Trip, The Dream Team, Melanie Mitro, Top 10 Coach, Super Star Diamond Coach, Millions Club, Successful Coach, Top Coach

Are You Ready To Be An Elite Coach Next Year?

If you are ready to get to work, create your own freedom, are coachable and ready to learn then now is the time!  I’m accepting new coaches to my team and that could be you!!!!

I have a proven, tested training system that is going to give you every single step you need to launch and grow a successful business.  If you follow my lead there is NO WAY you won’t crush it!!  Do you BELIEVE you have what it takes to be successful?  If so, the next step is to respond back to this email so that I can give you the directions to get signed up with me as your coach!

Once you sign up I will enroll you in my new coach training program, get you added to my support and accountability group and we will be ready to rock and roll!  When you sign up you will get what is called a challenge pack which has everything you need to successfully launch your business.  Plus it waives your $40 coach sign up fee!  

Sign Up As A Coach Now

I can’t wait to hear back from you!  Looking forward to working with you.

Would you want to start as a challenger and work on your health and fitness goals? Would you like to start right away with building your business?

or BOTH?!?!

Email me with your questions and thoughts and I will help you make the right decision.


Melanie Mitro